One of the basic tools that we wish to develop for our Global Care Clients is how to stock, maintain, and use a successful home pharmacy. The value of this tool cannot be overestimated. Many times crises or emergencies hit when you least expect them.... and the last thing you want to do at that time of stress is scramble for what you need.
Learning to use basic healing tools with the support of a physician walking you through a crisis is a very effective teaching tool. The most effective home pharmacies build slowly over time, a few versatile and multi use products or modalities at a time. Mastery of these tools is coupled with an understanding of how an injury or illness progresses; and how it is impacted by being supported or confronted at various stages.
In order to get the most out of your time with us, consider Global Care a class on healing. I hope the following tips will help:
1. take advantage of being able to text as needed and text often with updates, questions, observations.
2. set up a home pharmacy and master basic skills by attending our educational classes and texting with minor ailments or early in the course of an illness.
3. study Naturopathic Principles and learn to apply them.
4. practice, practice, practice.