Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Detoxification and Healing

Many traditional healing practices employ the use of fasting, restricted diets, detoxification, cleansing or purification. This becomes more critical in todays world where the foundation of an increasing numbers of diseases is excess intake of calories and excessive exposure to toxic elements. Detoxification or fasting is at the extreme opposite end of the spectrum from overindulgence or the overwhelming effect of massive amounts of chemicals. Practicing two opposing extremes creates a balance of sorts. Alleviating the pressure excessive toxins put on the human system often decreases symptoms and restores a natural state. Detoxification often reverses the cause of disease.

There are many types of cleanses, all indicated in different circumstances for different people. While most cleansing 'programs' do little to actually remove toxins from the body; the accompanying diet usually is significantly healthier than the Standard American Diet (SAD). The additions of fibers and increased hydration also have significant benefits. So most detoxification programs have an overall beneficial effect.

The trick to having a lasting improvement with detoxification is careful planning. If you detox for a week or two and then return to your regular routine, any benefit you have will be transient. If you incorporate changes into your daily routine; restricting unhealthy foods ( i.e. avoiding refined sugars); increased fiber intake; good hydration; then you can accomplish an increased level of health.

Medically supervised detoxification programs are proven to remove toxins from your body. These usually employ products that chemically alter toxins and convert them into a water soluble form so they can be eliminated. These programs have dramatic lasting effects and need only be repeated every 5 years under normal circumstances. They usually target more specific pathology and utilize customized diets and other detoxification methods.

Healthy by Nature provides customized detoxification programs in our signature program, Achieving Perfect Health. Look online for the next start date.