Class Description: The Immunization Decision is the 'thinking parents' guide to vaccine decisions. The goal of the class is to educate you about a wide range of considerations that affect your choices with respect to vaccinations. Because our children are unique, the class will focus on an individualized approach to vaccines rather than promoting a single philosophy. We will stress options, safety, long term considerations, and review the factors around us that influence our choices about immunizations.
Dates, Times and Locations: Friday May 30, 2014 Jackson Hole Wyoming. The class is FREE but requires preregistration since we are limiting the class size.
Instructor Information: I feel that my collective experience has provided me with a great deal of perspective on vaccine issues as they relate to different populations and different individuals around the world. I am neither for or against vaccines; but believe that medications should be prescribed on the basis of individual need with respect to the unique concerns of the individual patient. I am a huge advocate of parental rights and believe that when parents are armed with good information they make exceptional decisions for their children. My goal in teaching about vaccines is to offer factual information, provide options to parents, and introduce the wide range of considerations that decisions about vaccines embody.
I am the proud mother of three unimmunized children. My practice, which focuses on family health with an emphasis on pediatrics and woman's healthcare, is very diverse. Accordingly I serve populations at all places along the continuum of the vaccine choice. As a physician it is not my job to tell you what to do or make decisions for you; it is my job to provide you with the best information available, support you in the decisions you make, and provide ongoing care and medical support to your family.
Policy on Classes:
Genuine Health only exists in partnership with education. We promote educational classes as a way to serve the community and provide cost effective opportunities for people to make good decisions with respect to their own health.
Our community has expanded from a small rural practice to an international community over the twenty years it has existed. We will make an effort to accommodate people in distant locations or with other issues of access by offering Skype or teleconferencing for classes.
All classes require pre-registration in order for us to compile class materials and organize the event. We gladly take requests for class topics and frequently travel to provide opportunities to people who are underserved by Naturopathic Medicine.
Policy on Classes:
Genuine Health only exists in partnership with education. We promote educational classes as a way to serve the community and provide cost effective opportunities for people to make good decisions with respect to their own health.
Our community has expanded from a small rural practice to an international community over the twenty years it has existed. We will make an effort to accommodate people in distant locations or with other issues of access by offering Skype or teleconferencing for classes.
All classes require pre-registration in order for us to compile class materials and organize the event. We gladly take requests for class topics and frequently travel to provide opportunities to people who are underserved by Naturopathic Medicine.