Thursday, May 15, 2014

Feeding our Children

There are few choices you make that have a greater impact on the long term health of your child than what they eat. A child's blueprint is set and food is the fuel that allows a child to reach their genetic potential with respect to health and overall well being. Obviously we know the importance of quality food on these little growing bodies...yet somehow putting it into practice seems daunting. Here are a few small pearls of wisdom I hope encourage you :-).

1. How when and what you introduce as first foods has a phenomenal effect on the development of
the immune system, the likelihood of various diseases ( especially atopic disorders like asthma and eczema), and a lifetime of healthy choices. Be informed before you decide. See First Foods Class for more information.

2. Know that the biggest factor in making poor choices in food is caving to pressure.... Pressure by family, pressure by friends, and pressure by your child. Most moms really do know what is best. Yet establishing healthy choices for your child should be about developing character for your child and not be based on your own willpower. Stand your ground. Your time of total control over food is limited so make the most of it. This is a battle that you eventually pass on to your children who make their own healthy choices as they get older. Make sure you equip your child with the tools for a lifetime of healthy choices.

3. Lead by example. Our kids do what we do more than just what we say. Put the time when you are modeling healthy habits to good use and let your care for your children improve nutrition for the whole family. Remember that if good food is not a value to you, it will not likely be followed by your children.

4. As always I promote an individualized approach to healthy eating based on the unique health and circumstances of your family. There is not one 'best diet' for all people. Trust your intuition, study, experiment, and watch closely for clues that provide an opportunity to change. Be tolerant of other nutritional approaches, you are not THEIR mother, and be UNSWAYED by the outspoken advocate of an extreme new approach to eating that is THE best way for everyone. All diets have some merit. Focus on small gradual changes that can be maintained as family habits.

5. I have never been a pill pusher or vitamin advocate. While there is a time and my practice I encourage education around nutrition and healthy habits over the use of pills for nutrition. Learn to eat well first and count on that to provide the bulk of your nutrition. Then a vitamin pill makes sense to add that little extra balance of trace nutrients.