People tell me every day, I tried Naturopathic medicine and it didn’t work for me. Then they proceed to tell me how a healthfood store clerk made a recommendation... or they tried a protocol they saw on the Internet.... or they followed a suggestion a friend made.... and because it didn't work, 'Naturopathic Medicine' didn't work for them.
Naturopathic Medicine IS natural medicine, but not all natural medicine is Naturopathic. Naturopathic Philosophy and training sets apart a group of healing professionals trained to deliver a system of healthcare that often works where other systems fail. Because of the success of this system, many people imitate it or claim it.
There are many options for natural care and many types of practitioners. This is essential and necessary because of the diversity found in human kind and the wide range of potential ailments. But be clear about the difference between professional Medical Care by a physician and medical advice by a lay person or someone with a limited education. Education is not the only criteria that determines skill level; but generally by the time people have started to seek out medical advice they realize that their condition needs more expertise.