Sunday, June 8, 2014

Building Healthy Thyroid Function

It doesn't take long to recognize that there are two medical approaches to an abnormal thyroid, suppressive or stimulation therapies. Suppressive therapies such as Synthroid replace thyroid output with a synthetic analog causing the thyroid to stop manufacturing hormones all together.

Stimulation therapies such as Armor Thyroid, glandulars and kelp stimulate a sluggish thyroid - often causing it to weaken to the point where it cannot manufacture it's own hormones.

Both stimulation and suppression, while opposite approaches - often result in the same lack of output and dependency on lifetime medications.

But thyroid dysfunction is caused by environmental issues that challenge our health: chemicals and toxicity, hormone imbalance, poor immune function, stress and lifestyle issues. By addressing these underlying causes with supportive therapies, it is possible - not only to rebuild the thyroid - but to solve the underlying issues that may be weakening other body systems as well.